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智利酒王 SENA 2017(JS99/RP96+/Descorchados97)

TWD $6,000

TWD $4,980

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Sena 智利酒王 2017







該年份的Sena紅葡萄酒具有令人難以置信的誘惑力,帶有層層複雜而微妙的深色莓果、甜香料和花香。餘味悠長而性感——這款酒適合陳年數十年,慢慢成熟。該年份的酒款由60%的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、16%的佳美娜(Carmenere)和其它波爾多(Bordeaux)葡萄品種混釀而成,2/3使用法國新橡木桶陳釀。

Sena是世界兩大酒業教父的合作成果。來自加州葡萄酒之父Robert Mondavi,與智利ERRAZURIZ酒廠老闆Eduardo Chadwick。R. Mondavi,其中E. Chadwick在智利,堪稱國寶級釀酒師。

         SENA整款酒的表現,可說是當地風土的展現:成熟水果的香氣,酸度平緩而不銳利,溫暖,卻仍保有堅實的單寧。卡本內蘇維濃是此區的代表性品種,在混調中自然位居關鍵地位。型態上,SENA過去是師法波爾多,2004 年Mondavi 因財務問題分手後,SENA就成了ERRAZURIZ的專屬物業。至此之後,此酒莊更向自然動力法邁進,主力品種仍然是卡本內、梅洛,不過也有種一些希哈、卡門內里、馬爾貝克,甚至卡本內-弗朗。不過前兩品種的優異表現,讓酒莊在成立20年之後,至今仍是智利四大天王的成員之一。

          Sena酒莊在2004年1月23日舉辦”柏林盲品會”。包括1976年巴黎盲品會主持人史蒂芬•史普瑞爾(Steven Spurrier)在內的三十六位歐洲最有名望的葡萄酒記者、作家和買家齊聚柏林,對16款葡萄酒進行盲品,包括6款智利葡萄酒,6款法國葡萄酒和 4款義大利葡萄酒,均為2000和2001年份的葡萄酒。以國家和年份劃分,則有3款2001年份智利葡萄酒,3款法國2001年份葡萄酒,4款義大利葡萄酒,以及另外來自智利和法國的2000年份酒各3款。在這場歷史性的盲品中,品酒師評定來自伊拉蘇酒莊(Viña Errázuriz)的查維克旗艦酒(Viñedo Chadwick )2000年份酒高居榜首,神釀(Seña )2001年份酒位居第二,而拉菲酒莊(Chateau Lafite Rothschild)2000年份酒則位居第三,其後尚有瑪歌酒莊(Chateau Margaux)2001年份和2000年份,還有拉圖酒莊(Chateau Latour) 2001年份和2000年份,第10名則是來自義大利的索拉亞(Solaia),這樣的結果讓柏林的葡萄酒專家滿地找眼鏡,不敢置信,有如1976年巴黎盲品會翻版。同年10月28日在香港進行的首次神釀(Seña )垂直品鑒之旅的第一站,40位當地的專業品酒師十分驚訝地發現,不同年份的神釀(Seña )葡萄酒囊括了前五名,排名第六的有拉菲酒莊(Chateau Lafite Rothschild)2000年份、第七是瑪歌酒莊(Chateau Margaux)2001年份、第八是木桐酒莊(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)1995年份、和拉圖酒莊(Chateau Latour) 2005年份。在這四場盲品會上,Eduardo Chadwick,Seña 及其他許多智利頂級葡萄酒展現的品質、血脈傳承和陳年能力,已經可與世界最佳葡萄酒相提並論。

(飲酒禁止開車 未滿18歲禁止飲酒)


Winemaker Notes

Sena 2015 shines by its perfect balance and seamless structure, marked by its many layers of pure fruit and silky tannins. The wine displays wonderful complexity, along with unique tension, energy and elegance. This is a definite recognition that Chile belongs to the major leagues of wine, and is a righteous reward to the team's hard work and dedication.

Critical Acclaim

James Suckling
Stunning aromas of black currant, stone, blueberry and licorice. Also iodine. Floral. Perfumed. Full body, fantastic density of fruit and ripe tannins. It goes on for minutes on the palate with such energy and focus. Touch of chewiness on the finish. A complex and complete wine that delivers a generosity with firmness.
Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
As a comparison to the 2014 vintage of this wine, the 2015 Seña resulted in 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Carmenere, 12% Malbec, 7% Petit Verdot and 3% Cabernet Franc, with now 12% of the wine matured in new Stockinger oak foudres and the rest in barrique for some 22 months. 2015 might have been a slightly warmer year, but the resulting wine is lower in alcohol and higher in acidity, which provide for a more vibrant mouthfeel and a more focused expression of the character of the place. This vintage has half a degree less alcohol, and the acidity is a little more pungent; and, the amount of wine in foudre seems to help the oak to show better integrated. This is dry, nicely textured, and the replacement of the Merlot by Malbec seems to have also added to the refinement of the tannins that are super-elegant. 66,000 bottles were filled in February 2017.
Tim Atkin

Seña is a wine that ages well, but has made dramatic improvements since Francisco Baettig started making it in 2010. This youthful cuvée of Cabernet Sauvignon with Carmenère, Malbec, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc is fresh a refined with filigree tannins and notes of tobacco, cassis and black plum. 2022-30. Alcohol: 13.5%

(飲酒禁止開車 未滿18歲禁止飲酒)